Open 8am-8pm Mon-Fri and 8am-4pm Sat 10am-5pm Sun

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Meet Our Owner

James Wyatt, Leader of the Hive

With over 25 years of experience,  James Wyatt is an expert in air purification and duct cleaning, providing the highest quality services to customers and ensuring the rest of the hive does the job just as well.

I'm James Wyatt, and I love helping my people succeed.

The key is to own the job.

I don't believe in service organizations with "fleets", or many trucks and crews. The reason is that I "own" EVERY JOB.  It needs to be done as though i had personally done it and the way I would want it done. No less. I just can't assure that with a large fleet. The employee turnover is too great. Quality and commitment suffer. Ultimately, the customer suffers. A great job and a happy customer combine to create the lowest cost advertising.

I can afford to give a 100% satisfaction guarantee, because at the end of the job, the customer knows the value they received and has personally experienced our integrity.

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Our Team

The Air Purification Experts

Our team is made up of skilled professionals and our philosophy is to provide expert level duct cleaning and air purification services to the Salt Lake, Wasatch Front, and surrounding areas.